Arch02172.pngSpecifying system sets

On many of the advanced project settings tabs, default types of systems (heating, ventilation, and so on) are available for selection from a list. This list can be customized, and the process works the same way for all of these lists. Customized system sets and lists are saved in the user folder.

To edit or add to a system set list:

From the list of pre-defined systems, click Edit List.

The Edit [name of system category] System List (or similarly named) dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



System Set

Lists the defined system sets. When one is selected, the associated system names are listed in the system list, where they can be edited and added to; edited system sets are saved in the user folder and are indicated with (user folder) appended to the system set name.


Opens the Rename List Set dialog box; provide a new name for the system set. Default system sets that are included with Vectorworks cannot be renamed. You are prompted to rename a copy of the set, which is saved in the user folder.


Deletes the selected set from the System Set list; default system sets that are included with Vectorworks cannot be deleted

System list

Lists the systems that are included in the selected System Set


Adds a new system to the system set as described in the following section


Edits the currently selected system as described in the following section


Creates a duplicate of the currently selected system as described in the following section


Deletes the selected system from the set

Set As Default

Sets the currently selected system and system set as the default for new files

Click New to create a new system, or select a system and click Edit or Duplicate.

If a new system is to be created, or a currently selected system is duplicated, the New System dialog box opens. Select an existing system set for the system, or slick Save to a System Set and specify a new system set name.

If a default system is selected for editing, you are prompted to duplicate it; default systems cannot be edited. New or edited systems are saved in the user folder.

The Edit System dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



The System Parameters

Lists the parameters that make up the system; select a parameter to edit its value


Edits the default value of the selected system parameter


Describes the parameter and in some cases, permissible values

Análisis de energía avanzado

Análisis de energía básico 

Energy analysis parameter dependencies

Energos results

Energos overview


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